NFC Digital Direct Mailers with BIGdeal Marketing Solutions | Macon, GA (478)461-1010 📪🎯NFC Digital Every Door Direct Mailers!!! 🎯📪 with PrinterShoppe @ BIGdeal Marketing Solutions | Macon, GA NFC is coming to iPhone and has been a mainstay on most Android Devices for a few years! You know those pay by phone things that are at stores that allow you to tap your phone on a device and like magic, you've paid for your transaction?! That's NFC!!! Near Field Communication is here to stay! Models say that 85% of transactions will be made by NFC in the very near future! This means that the technology is going to continue to grow and expand to more devices and uses will be countless! Get in now with your own NFC Marketing Strategies! We can produce a multitude of uses and we print it all. From NFC Stickers to Activated Business Cards and Direct Mailers we can put any use NFC on pretty much any idea you can devise! NFC Activated Wedding Invitations with a trigger that shows your cu...
Marketing and SEO Specialist and Google Ranking (Photography & Videography) SEO (Search Engine Optimization) WhiteBoard Animation Video and Campaigns Custom Design & Print Products via PrinterShoppe Direct Mailers Marketing (EDDM) Brand Development Marketing Web Design Business & Marketing Consulting ADs Management (FB and GOOGLE)