Your name Aiyana Soule' means Eternal Blooming Sun. 🌺 I've watched you roll over... I've watched you crawl... I've watched you walk... I've watched you climb... I've watched you run... I've watched you dance... I've watched you sing... I've watched you scream... I've watched you struggle and grow weak... I've watched you thrive and grow confident... I've watched you cry... I've watched you laugh... I've watch you fall... 🌺 Then I see you get back up. I see you try and never give in to defeat. I see you learn. I see you conquer all. 🌺 You are named for your Eternal Blooming Sunshine... and IT IS ALWAYS RADIANT! 🌺☀️ On your 15th Birthday I want you to look at everything you have gone through and think of all the life you have before you! I want you to continue to be radiant and continue to grow everyday! 🌺 I do not wish for you to stop growing up anymore because I'm excited to see what you will become! 🌺 I love you -Dad @aiyanasoulehelms @aiyanasoule

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